Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Silent Class for Thanksgiving

Awhile ago I wrote about teaching silent classes. As silent class is one in which I do not speak for the entire class. I demonstrate the pose, then they do them. It is an incredibly power class. I taught silent classes tonight as a gift to my students before the holiday. I don’t teach them very often (it is hard for me to be silent! ☺ ) so I sometimes forget just how powerful the classes are. Students are drawn into the silence and their minds truly slow down. Savasana in a silent class is deep and wonderful. I normally only teach a silent class with my advanced students. Tonight I taught it to intermediate students with a few beginners. I wasn’t sure how they would feel about it. I was amazed at how much they embraced it. They loved the experience and could really feel that their Savasana was deeper.

1 comment:

Marya said...

Very cool! I love the idea and am going to try it sometime. Tuesday morning I did a gratitude class - I'm going to write about it on my blog.