Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mudra for Your Voice

Mudras are ways of placing your body, specifically your hands, to direct the energy flow to a particular area. The Anjali Mudra we use at the end of class (palms together in front of your heart) increases the energy flow to your heart center – a lovely way to greet others and express gratitude.

Here is a mudra I use to increase the energy flow to my fifth chakra – the throat chakra – to help make my voice more resonant (sound better) before class. It is powerful. I can feel the energy in my throat instantly. I use it briefly at the beginning of class when my students are still laying to relax and breathe and then again during their Savasana. I especially like to use it then because when I am silent for awhile, sometimes my voice can be scratchy when I first start to speak again.

To do the mudra, place your left thumb across the palm of your right hand. Wrap the fingers of your right hand around the thumb. Place your right thumb on the pad of the middle finger of your left hand. Hold your hands at your heart level. Can you feel the movement in your throat?

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