Saturday, April 21, 2007

To Repeat, or Not Repeat, That is the Question:

I think we have a tendency to say the same thing each time we teach a pose. The same words come out for getting students into Tadasana, Downdog, etc. so students may begin to stop hearing us. They can be thinking about their grocery list in Trikonsana and their taxes in downdog since what you are saying is so familiar.

And yet, sometimes repeating the same things can be helpful. I bet you have experienced finally “getting” what your teacher has been telling you each and every time. Or understanding it on a deeper and deeper level. Other things are so important they are essential to mention every time. (Like, “Fold from the hip hinge when you forward fold.”) And still other times, the pattern might be comforting. I like to say the same thing each time students return from Savasana because I think it helps their minds stay relaxed, there is habit in it.

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